# of watchers: 31
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2004-07-11 [YokoTsuta]: katie, quit trying to fucking bribe me with stuff. you forced me to write when I didn't want to and bluntly refused to get off my back about writing.
2004-07-11 [Raiko Fire]: sorry ;-; but you hadn't written in weeks ><
2004-07-11 [YokoTsuta]: katie, for god's sake, I'm depressed and my life sucks. fuck off for a while, got it?
2004-07-11 [Raiko Fire]: you have it better than Jen... she doesn't even have a house right now >< or shoes o.O (her old leather onesgot wet and they're rank T.T;)
2004-07-11 [YokoTsuta]: neither of my parents have jobs and I have to work for the Loves for there to be any kind of income in this damned family.
2004-07-11 [Raiko Fire]: meh
2004-07-11 [YokoTsuta]: ....
2004-07-11 [Nyka]: *pokes head in* o.o;; *gives a cautious wave* Umm...goodness
2004-07-11 [Zardra]: Oooo! How is is bossible I havent seen this wiki before today! :-D I just joined... and made my own banner... I love making banners :-D ...if anyone wants to see it, its here: http://img78.p
2004-07-11 [YokoTsuta]: no, I'm not okay. I'm tired of getting fussed at everyday.
2004-07-11 [Beru-chan]: cool banner!!
2004-07-11 [Ashurii]: Nice banner. :3
2004-07-11 [Zardra]: :-D thankies
2004-07-11 [Channy]: Nice^^ wow, I've missed ALOT! that'll teach me to not get online @ night o.O
2004-07-11 [YokoTsuta]: mhmm...
2004-07-11 [Channy]: Lol...dude...I
2004-07-11 [YokoTsuta]: that sucks...
2004-07-11 [Channy]: yup...it was about his underwear *blush* He wasn't wearing it at the moment so...That doesn't make me perverted...ri
2004-07-11 [YokoTsuta]: riiight
2004-07-11 [Beru-chan]: ..I know that video thingie....I hide al those videos somewhere in a secret map on my laptop XD
2004-07-11 [Channy]: Lol. ...His underwear looks wierd...the first one I mean....the others...meh..
2004-07-12 [Raiko Fire]: my parents don't look through my files o.O dad only uses the comp for A; studying or B: playing video games XP
2004-07-12 [Raiko Fire]: oh, and I'm gonna put up the two new badges >>
2004-07-13 [Channy]: Lol, yay...my Dad...you never know...and my mom likes the music vids I download so..heh ^^; @.@
2004-07-17 [Nuktae-tal]: hello I have returned from my seclusion
2004-07-18 [Channy]: Lol Yay! Heehee, guess what? I have a parakeet named Mana XD lol
2004-07-18 [Nuktae-tal]: yay!!!
2004-07-18 [Beru-chan]: haha cool! ^^ My parakeet is namen Luna...or Yuna... o.O Whatever you like..
2004-07-18 [Nuktae-tal]: I have seven cats...griffen
2004-07-18 [Beru-chan]: lol cool names!
2004-07-18 [Nuktae-tal]: you know its 5 here in the monin
2004-07-18 [Beru-chan]: lol..It's half 11 here...
2004-07-18 [Channy]: It is now 8:04. I'm going to the mall today! And I'm going to get Bujingai! *giggles insanly* happy borthday to me! lol. I have 2 cats, link & zelda, then my parakeet Mana, umm...some fish I think named Gackt, Hyde, Kami, Yu~Ki and Kozi...and uh...thats it :S Heh, I like aminals^^
2004-07-18 [Beru-chan]: me too! oh yeah...we got fish too...in het pond..but I think an evil bird ate them o.O' poor fishies....aw I want Bujingai too!!!
2004-07-18 [Raiko Fire]: I have three dogs; Klondike, Chelsea, and AJ (Alex Junior o.O) and I ued to have 6 cats, Kiko (mother), Chibi, Yami, Aku, Odango, and one I can't remember ^^; (after note: ah, it was Hiei o.o;) and three fish, Legolas Frodo, and Pippen >.>
2004-07-18 [YokoTsuta]: there was Hiei too!
2004-07-18 [Nuktae-tal]: I didn't name our fish beacause you cannot tell most of them appart^.^;;;
2004-07-18 [YokoTsuta]: true ^^;;; one time I tried to name them, it didn't work for even three seconds.
2004-07-18 [Nuktae-tal]: tee hee hee well They did have names till some of them died mut there is one fish I can tell from the others its a female and its naem is rose... it was an early character from a book I am in the process of writing
2004-07-18 [YokoTsuta]: my fishes kinda....expir
2004-07-18 [Nuktae-tal]: lol they do that you know?
2004-07-18 [YokoTsuta]: yeah
2004-07-18 [Nuktae-tal]: lol anyways...what
2004-07-18 [YokoTsuta]: my new computer! *huggles the comp*
2004-07-18 [Nuktae-tal]: tee hee hee I guess you like it then?
2004-07-18 [YokoTsuta]: yes ^^
2004-07-18 [Nuktae-tal]: tee hee hee its fast?
2004-07-18 [YokoTsuta]: yes, and it even has pinball ^^
2004-07-18 [Nuktae-tal]: sweet!!man wish I had a new computer this one is really crappy and slow!
2004-07-18 [YokoTsuta]: my other one is like really really slow
2004-07-18 [Nuktae-tal]: lol but now you have a fast one and I have a slow one right?
2004-07-18 [YokoTsuta]: yep yep! ^^
2004-07-18 [Nuktae-tal]: lol tee hee hee I am now hungry time to scrounge for food!!!scaveng
2004-07-18 [YokoTsuta]: o_O I haven't had lunch yet and it's already 2:20
2004-07-18 [Nuktae-tal]: I found chunky chicken soup!!it cooking now!^,^
2004-07-18 [YokoTsuta]: ^^
2004-07-18 [Nuktae-tal]: tee hee hee it will be yummy!
2004-07-18 [YokoTsuta]: no lunch for me
2004-07-18 [Raiko Fire]: I had pizza o.O
2004-07-18 [Nuktae-tal]: I have returned sorry it kicked me off then I visited my other website for a while
2004-07-19 [YokoTsuta]: I just had pizza ^^
2004-07-19 [Nuktae-tal]: yay!!
2004-07-19 [YokoTsuta]: and a brownie! ^^
2004-07-19 [Nuktae-tal]: yay!!
2004-07-19 [YokoTsuta]: yeppers ^^
2004-07-19 [Nuktae-tal]: tee hee hee I love you shugi pums!!^.^
2004-07-19 [YokoTsuta]: oro??
2004-07-19 [Nuktae-tal]: Yuo get your butt of the cieling!!
2004-07-19 [Raiko Fire]: o.O;
2004-07-19 [YokoTsuta]: ???
2004-07-19 [Channy]: ...What the heck o.O this is not the way to greet someone....I'm scared *hides under the community giant Gackt plushie*
2004-07-19 [YokoTsuta]: ^^
2004-07-19 [Channy]: Heehee :p
2004-07-19 [YokoTsuta]: I added more to the story...tell me what you think
2004-07-19 [Channy]: okay! Me go look o.O
2004-07-24 [Nuktae-tal]: ..............
2004-07-24 [Raiko Fire]: Nukie!
2004-07-24 [Channy]: hey! welcome back^^
2004-07-24 [Raiko Fire]: *tackles*
2004-07-24 [Channy]: huzzah! *dogpile*
2004-07-24 [Raiko Fire]: x.<
2004-07-24 [Zardra]: maybe someone should update this wiki a bit... I mean there are a lot of pics that wont show up and links that dont work... :-S ... it would be helpful... maybe
2004-07-24 [Channy]: Lol, prolly *pulls out a whip* work rei!>_< Lol, wait, I can add links too!^^ huzzah! lol
2004-07-24 [YokoTsuta]: Rei is not on ET right now but she is online
2004-07-24 [Channy]: Lol, I know. XP, just bein silly, I think I'll add some links though, oki doki? ^^
2004-07-24 [YokoTsuta]: ^^
2004-07-24 [Channy]: Huzzah! *walks off to add some links*
2004-07-24 [YokoTsuta]: ^^
2004-07-24 [Channy]: Added some @_@
2004-07-24 [Nuktae-tal]: hello again!
2004-07-24 [Channy]: hiya Nukie^^
2004-07-24 [Nuktae-tal]: lol nukie! thats cute!!hiya channy!!
2004-07-25 [Raiko Fire]: waaaah! gomen! ><;
2004-07-25 [Raiko Fire]: *ish organizing the club*
2004-07-25 [Channy]: Lol, it's okay rei^^
2004-07-25 [Nuktae-tal]: yea it okay!
2004-07-25 [Raiko Fire]: Cat Demon Jenny said it looked creepy TT;
2004-07-26 [Channy]: creepy? o.o Noooo...we just need some...decorat
2004-07-26 [Raiko Fire]: I was thinking on making some buttons and banners e.e
2004-07-27 [Channy]: Huzzah...Bujin
2004-07-27 [Raiko Fire]: O.O *nods slowly*
2004-07-27 [Channy]: Lol...well it's twuuue *slightly blushes*...Lau Wong^^ EeeeLol, I beat the big boss in 00:01:41 XD I pwn
2004-07-27 [Raiko Fire]: j00 pwn w|-|47?
2004-07-27 [Channy]: ...(\/)ice o.o ^_^ I'm a better gamer than them^^ Lol, naw, I'm a pretty good gamer anyways...Gack
2004-07-27 [Raiko Fire]: o.O mice?
2004-07-27 [Channy]: ...yes...mice.
2004-07-27 [YokoTsuta]: Rei, fix ATNGO or else you die TT;;;
2004-07-27 [Channy]: ..Oops o.o...that's all my fault...FORGIV
2004-07-27 [Raiko Fire]: *fixed it* BAD CHANNY! ><
2004-07-27 [YokoTsuta]: TT you made me blame Rei >< sorry katie
2004-07-27 [Channy]: *hides under Lau's skirt thingamajiggy for safety*
2004-07-27 [YokoTsuta]: *pokes Channy*
2004-07-27 [Raiko Fire]: *sniff*
2004-07-27 [YokoTsuta]: It not working TT;;;
2004-07-27 [Raiko Fire]: *checks* >.>
2004-07-27 [YokoTsuta]: *sniffle*
2004-07-27 [Channy]: *pokes head out from lau's skirt thingamajiggy* eh? o.o
2004-07-27 [Raiko Fire]: try now <.<
2004-07-27 [YokoTsuta]: kk
2004-07-27 [Channy]: i'm reeeally sorry yoko *hides again*
2004-07-27 [YokoTsuta]: dat's okay...Rei's done worse before ^^ and it works now! yay!
2004-07-27 [Channy]: lol *crawl out from under lau and hops about* yay!^^
2004-07-27 [YokoTsuta]: and now it doesn't TT
2004-07-27 [Channy]: o.o...maybeh it don't like me
2004-07-27 [YokoTsuta]: probably...
2004-07-27 [Raiko Fire]: I think it doesn't o.O
2004-07-27 [YokoTsuta]: I got on it once a minute ago but it wouldn't let me comment
2004-07-27 [Channy]: *wimpers and hides under lau again* TT^TT *Laus looks not amused*
2004-07-27 [Channy]: *wimpers and hides under lau again* TT^TT *Lau looks not amused*
2004-07-29 [Channy]: I hate my brother -_-...He's going to Tokyo august 20th...I will really hate him if he runs into Gackt-Sama on accident...but
2004-07-29 [Mitsune]: stowaway in his luggage...
2004-07-29 [Channy]: ...I just might...I'll have to get to charlotte NC though o_o...but I must go to Tokyo! >_<o...ot I'll have to wait untill I'M 22-23 TT^TT...or like...you know...famous or something...yo
2004-07-30 [Nuktae-tal]: man I wish I could go to tokyo!
2004-07-30 [Channy]: I must kiiiiil my brother *twitches uncontrollably
2004-07-30 [Nuktae-tal]: why? why not just make yourself look like him then tie him up and throw him in the dumpster and go in his place?
2004-07-30 [Channy]: Lol, because he is 70lbs lighter than I, 3 inches taller, has rythm, smokes (bleh!!), speakes deeper, and shtuffs...o_O.
2004-07-30 [Raiko Fire]: he must be some freakily thin punk o.O
2004-07-30 [Channy]: ...he's about Gackt's size...height and everything -_-...but Gackt is much cuter ^^v
2004-07-30 [Raiko Fire]: *jaw drops* somehow I findmyself wanting to meet this brother of your's << >>;
2004-07-30 [Channy]: o_O...gawd no! all my friends like him! and i do not TT^TT (but then again he is blood so...)
2004-07-30 [Channy]: Fine..here..th
2004-07-30 [Channy]: okay, so he's not lighter than me...but he's smaller -_-
2004-07-30 [Raiko Fire]: my brother's 18, my height (5'6"), 93 lbs, blonde, and has blue eyes. e.e; Sounds cute, right? *ahem* was born with the Newmans Disease o.o He's perfectly normal other than the fact that he's extremely scrawny and boney >>;
2004-07-30 [Channy]: my brother's almost 23, 5'11", 205'lbs (he's a dancer...muscl
2004-07-30 [Raiko Fire]: wait... you said he was 70 lbs less than you OO;
2004-07-31 [Channy]: Lol, he's not lighter, just...smaller o_O...he's taller, and more muscular. muscle weighs more than fat...I'm roughly 185lbs @_@ Eeee, hide channy! (Channy is 5'7" ^^)
2004-07-31 [Raiko Fire]: I'm 5'6" and 129 lbs >>; all fat, I assure you e.e;;; *eats abagel*
2004-07-31 [Channy]: Ooo, bagel*hums illuminati*
2004-07-31 [Raiko Fire]: lookit! I made a badge e.e
2004-07-31 [Channy]: Yay!...it's blurry e.e
2004-07-31 [Raiko Fire]: I suck at realism n.n;
2004-07-31 [Channy]: lol, did you make it blurry on purpose for that reason? lol. I'm not too good at it :s...better at anime...lol
2004-07-31 [Raiko Fire]: I guess so.. *looks at actual drawing*
2004-07-31 [Channy]: Lol, channy wanna see good copy e.e Lol, I wanna enter your contest too!...but I'm gonna be gone for 8 days TT^TT DAMN! haaaate my brother (we're going to see him)
2004-07-31 [Raiko Fire]: it's not closing any time soon ^^; and I'll get a better and bigger version.. I guess
2004-07-31 [Channy]: Lol, good, I'll work really hard! I WILL!>_< I will draw...Okabe..
2004-07-31 [Raiko Fire]: o.O
2004-07-31 [Channy]: Lol, obsessed am I? (Okabe and Camui are vampires of me own creationsness.)
2004-08-05 [Nuktae-tal]: wow you guys are really crazy man!
2004-08-05 [Raiko Fire]: *can't see it* uh... I'm going to an anime con tomorrow! X3
2004-08-06 [Nuktae-tal]: you are the lucky one then
2004-08-06 [Raiko Fire]: no wait... Saturday ^^; *is playing Bujingai* I don't quite get this game *never plays other games, so is lost*
2004-08-07 [Nuktae-tal]: uh okay then
2004-08-07 [Raiko Fire]: CHANNY!!!!!!!!
2004-08-07 [Nuktae-tal]: ......huh?
2004-08-07 [Beru-chan]: I think she means the levels in Bujingai..
2004-08-08 [Raiko Fire]: I got Moon Child! X3 and a nakey Gackt poster!
2004-08-08 [Nuktae-tal]: eeeewwwww no porn to me!
2004-08-08 [Zardra]: nakey? :-P Ooooo! want to see!!
2004-08-08 [Raiko Fire]: it cuts off right below his navel XP I'l find a piccy >>; later
2004-08-08 [Beru-chan]: I think I know that poster!!
2004-08-08 [Raiko Fire]: the fingers of his right hand are glowing oO
2004-08-08 [Beru-chan]: this one?
2004-08-08 [Raiko Fire]: yup! -^^-
2004-08-08 [Raiko Fire]: bling bling! priceless e.e
2004-08-08 [Beru-chan]: I want that poster toooo!!! ^^
2004-08-08 [Raiko Fire]: *runs into her closet door* *strokes Gackt's hair* e.e mine...
2004-08-08 [Beru-chan]: lol I'm jealous XD
2004-08-08 [Raiko Fire]: *sigh* they had piccys for sale of Gackt with his mullet o.O
2004-08-08 [Zardra]: Oooh! That is so hot! I want a poster too! *jealous*
2004-08-09 [Channy]: I'm getting that poster^^ and Bujingai has 8 levels. lol, i beat it in about and hour per level =/...but Rei (last stage) took me 1:41 @.@ I am teh s hit! lol
2004-08-09 [Nuktae-tal]: er......okay?
2004-08-10 [Channy]: heehee, ooh! my bro is NOT going to japan! yay! love for channy! ^^
2004-08-10 [Nuktae-tal]: .....but but doesn't he want to go to japan?
2004-08-12 [Channy]: ...he doesn't, so he is stupid, but, he was only going to go there on a job, but, he didn't get it, and I don't feel bad about it at all >=P evil to him Channy be...
2004-08-12 [Channy]: here's a poster I'm getting (finally getting all my gackt paraphernalia, 254 dollars worth!!!!^^) just drew myself in there...boredo
2004-08-12 [Nuktae-tal]: eh my computer won't let me see it...I want to go to japan!!!!!
2004-08-12 [Channy]: oh damn! urrr MINE ! ^^ Lol, among many other things! Like a replica of the master's necklace! *blush blush*
2004-08-12 [Nuktae-tal]: lol tee he hee you guys are funny!
2004-08-12 [jenoclone1]: hello peoples
2004-08-13 [Channy]: hey san-chan....go
2004-08-13 [Nuktae-tal]: sure thing!
2004-08-13 [Channy]: getting it soon^^ only 7 dolla. I pwnz
2004-08-13 [Nuktae-tal]: pwnz???
2004-08-13 [Channy]: pwnz, pwn-0wnz, 0wn- rule. lol
2004-08-13 [Nuktae-tal]: lol uh okay?
2004-08-13 [Nuktae-tal]: lol ^>^ behold me chicken!!!^>^;;;
2004-08-13 [Channy]: GENTLEMEN! I am...AN OWL! O,O
2004-08-13 [Nuktae-tal]: lol but I like chickens!!! they remind me of gackt somehow...
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